12 Steps to Extend The Life Of Your Patio Pavers

12 Steps to Extend The Life Of Your Patio Pavers

All outdoor living spaces require care and attention. Thus, patio pavers are no exception here.

After all, they are a pretty popular choice, and having them in your doors means also ensuring they stand up to the destructive effects of the elements.

Heavy foot traffic is also an issue. Both things will take their toll on your pavers and cause their deterioration over time. However, you can do a few effective things to slow that down and significantly increase their lifespan.

That’s what we’ll look into today, as in-depth as possible. We’ve prepared a list of steps for you to follow below, each tip offering an effective tool in your arsenal to extend the lifespan of your pavement. Implementing them is what’s going to ensure your patio pavers will remain beautiful and in good condition, too.

Regular Cleaning

The first step is quite obvious. Patio pavers need to be clean as to reduce damage to their surface. This entails sweeping or blowing away any debris regularly. These can be leaves, but also general dirt as well.

Moreover, use a garden hose or pressure washer to remove stubborn stains, spills, and built-up grime. One quick caveat to mention is that you to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners. They can damage the surface of the pavers precisely because of their abrasiveness. Stick to regular means of cleaning and you’re all good.

Prevent Weeds

Nature is resilient. This means weeds will try to grow in the spaces between pavers. All that can cause damage and, sometimes, unevenness. That’s why you need to reduce weed growth, either by applying a polymeric sand or jointing compound to the joints. These materials help to lock the pavers together, which is what effectively inhibits the invasive plants’ growth.

Alternatively, use a weed barrier fabric underneath the pavers. That prevents weed seeds from germinating and thus ensures the protection of your patio cover without the need to deal with the issue periodically.

Seal the Pavers

Moisture and stains are enemies to your pavement. So is fading. That’s why you need to address that, and the best way to do so is by opting for a quality sealant.

Choose one that is specifically made for pavers. Read the instructions carefully before you proceed to ensure you perform the action correctly. Reapply the sealant, ideally, every few years or, conversely, when the need arises. Doing so will ensure maximum protection.

Repair Damaged Pavers

Inspect your patio regularly for signs of damage. Look for things such as cracks, chips, or loose pavers. As you know, if you don’t address a problem promptly, deterioration will follow. That’s why repair damaged pavers quickly or even replace them, if needed.

To perform the task, use a chisel and hammer. Remove the old pavers and replace them with the new ones, nice and easy. There you go! You did not only stop further deterioration but also ensured your patio’s structural integrity.

Ultimately, you can delegate that responsibility to a professional landscape company or other licensed professionals.

Maintain Proper Drainage

Water is another powerful factor that can slowly wreak havoc on your pavers. Think of the damage it can cause when pooling or collecting underneath them. That’s why you must ensure proper drainage.

You can achieve this by installing either a slight slope or a grade away from the house. That allows water to drain away from your patio.

Furthermore, you need to clean any clogged or blocked drainage channels. Check the gutters and downspouts as well. That will prevent water from backing up onto the patio and ensure its protection.

Alternatively, consider installing a French drain or dry well. That will redirect excess water away from the patio and keep your pavers safe.

Avoid Heavy Loads

Distributing weight evenly is what will help you here. That’s because when heavy or sharp objects sit directly on top of the surface of your pavers, they can cause damage or cracking.

The solution here is to use either furniture pads or coasters. Place them under the legs of your patio furniture. That will distribute the weight evenly and protect the pavers. Furthermore, avoid dragging heavy objects across the patio to avoid damaging it.

Control Moss and Algae Growth

Dealing with either begins with trying to keep the are dry and clean. Moreover, you need to trim back any overhanging branches or vegetation. That will allow more sunlight and airflow to reach the patio and prevent their growth.

If they’ve already invaded your patio, you have two options. Moss killer or algaecide. Afterwards, it’s best to apply preventative treatment. That’s the only way to prevent future growth.

Protect Pavers During Winter

Colder months are a challenge. Particularly, if there are high temperature fluctuations, as those can damage your pavers. But, fret not, you still have options here.

Firstly, you can apply a salt-free deicer. That can melt the ice and snow without damaging the patio pavers. Additionally, avoid using metal shovels or ploughs. Those can cause scratches or gouges and thus damage the surface.

Relevel Pavers

Check the level of your patio pavers periodically. Relevel any sunken or uneven pavers you notice. That will ensure a smooth and stable surface. Use a rubber mallet or alternately hand tamper to tap down any raised pavers. Moreover, add additional bedding sand or gravel when you need to fill in any low spots.

Perform Annual Inspections

It helps to be prepared. That’s why conducting yearly check-ups can do a lot to protect your pavers. Look for any signs of wear and damage when you do so.

If you notice cracks, stains, or loose pavers, you will need to deal with them. Moreover, look for any drainage issues or areas with standing water. Lastly, take action as soon as possible. That can mean the difference between having to spend some money for repairs or eventually having to spend a fortune if you delay.

Professional Maintenance

There’s nothing like some expert assistance when it comes to patio maintenance. Professionals have years of experience and know-how. Moreover, they have the right tools and materials for the job. With all that at their disposal, they can identify and address any issues that are present or even ones which may arise.

Lastly, you can get expert advice from them on how to take care of and maintain your patio pavers. They might even give you some lighting tips to make the place more inviting and comfortable in the evening hours. All these things make contacting a professional landscaping company a great decision overall.


That’s it! You now know what to do to extend the life of your pavers. Doing so will ensure you enjoy spending your time on the patio for many years to come. Remember that, ultimately, a little care and attention over time can save you tons of money in the long run. We wish you the best of luck with your patio pavers and plenty of fun hours outside!

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Steven Chapa