Helping Someone Who Is Seriously Bleeding

Helping Someone Who Is Seriously Bleeding

Knife crime is on the increase globally. Every day, the news report a story about knife crime resulting in injuries or fatalities. Sadly, knife crime is gradually becoming the norm in our society today. So how do you help an individual who has suffered major bleeding resulting from a knife attack? The first thing is to call the police emergency line immediately. Cleaning up blood resulting from the knife attack is the responsibility of biohazard cleaning services. These experts are well versed in handling blood-related issues. Blood is highly contagious, hence it should not be handled carelessly. 

First Aid

What do you do when someone you know or in a situation where someone has been stabbed? The first step is to stay calm and not fret. Only then can you be in the right frame of mind to know the right course of action to take. 

Catastrophic bleeding is a common result of stab wounds but is not just confined to crime. It can happen anytime and anywhere. It can occur in one of those kitchen accidents, workplace accidents, gardening accidents while using a sharp tool or just about anywhere. There are some simple steps to take that can save lives.


What causes an individual to fall into shock? The most likely cause is a reduction in blood volume or blood pressure. This occurs when the body’s circulatory system fail to supply sufficient oxygen to the body tissues including the heart and the brain. The body’s response to this is to shut down the circulation to the skin. Therefore, it becomes pale, cold and clammy. The heart speeds up as it struggles to get sufficient blood supply and oxygen and to draw the blood away from the gut. Thus, the casualty may feel sick and thirsty. They may also feel anxious, dizzy and a bit confused. This is because their brain suffers from the lack of oxygenated blood too. 

When this happens, the best thing to do is to help the individual’s circulation by laying them down and raising their legs. Apply pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.  


When bleeding occurs, the priority is to stop the blood coming out. Do not attempt to stop bleeding with your bare hands. You should always have your hand gloves handy. You don’t have to wash a major injury; this is a task best left to the medical practitioners. 

The first thing to do is to sit or lie the person down. With this, they do not feel dizzy and faint. Check the bleeding area to see if there’s anything stuck in the wound. If this is the case, then leave the object as it is. Do not touch or attempt to remove it. 

Knife crime can be life threatening. It leaves behind blood spill and bodily tissue. Cleaning up after a knife crime requires some level of knowledge in dealing with blood. Protect your health by contacting biohazard cleaning services for the blood clean up. 


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Daniel Fricke